Monday, May 19, 2008

Why you are making a website and How to set it up.

The internet can create for you and your business a presence larger than any storefront in any location ever could. By marketing online you can reach your target buyers at a more cost effective price. People are online searching for what you sell right now. Remember three fourths of people can not find your business without a website, and if you don’t provide them with info that pertains to them forget it. Being there with the right info for each of your individual buyer personas establishes you as an expert in your industry, grows instant credibility, and ignites buyer interest.

How many sites have you been to that talked a great deal about the products and services the company had to offer, but did not seem to understand your problems or provide any info that you cared about? There can only be one way you landed on that page, they tricked you. Too many internet companies today rave about how many hits they get on their sites. This is the folly of yesterdays marketing department. Hits mean nothing without a conversation to sales. I’d rather work increasing my sales percentage first then worry about getting more traffic.

Building a website is not the same it was a couple years ago. Content is, always has been and will always be king. The old way of doing things simply turned into an expensive brochure you could access online.

By subdividing your different buyer personas and researching their problems, how they talk (how they search) and where they look for solutions to their problems you will have done more research than probably 90% of your competitors. It may sound like a lot of work but this info will help you establish rapport with your buyers and is usually less than 10 clicks away; if you know where to look. Now that your homework is done we can begin to build your site. We will make individual landing pages for your different types of buyers. We give them answers to the problems we see coming up over and over then we sprinkle it with facts that open their eyes and then and only then we recommend a product or service on your actual site. Three steps: Divide, Solve, and then Sell. The old method of having a site that appealed to no one except the ego of the company is over.

Many companies get people on their site but don’t give them any answers. They instantly try to sell something. As soon as the surfer realizes they clicked to see a commercial and not to get answers the window is closed. Patience is a virtue. The hit is gained but the sale is lost. The company had its chance but they only offered to help take someone’s money. So much for all that search engine optimization.

Too many companies fail to realize that their content is their search engine optimization. It is content that gets you noticed online. Build your site to engage customers and drive traffic at the same time. You know a lot of things about your industry that people want to know. You should blog. You have happy clients that would love to see your business grow. So show the world. You see testimonials all over the internet. How much more powerful would a video of praise be on a future prospect? We need to figure out how your customers want to take in info. Some people like to read, some like to listen, and some like to watch. The internet makes all of these readily available.

If you build it they will come. No matter what your path is going to be, I only recommend that you begin to blog. Share your insight with others online who have problems you can solve. Participate in other peoples’ blogs then build your own. People will see that you are the problem solver and will ask for your advice. The internet is immortal and your ideas and tips will be posted there forever. Even if the people you help do not buy from you every person that searches for those same answers will see your name and your company’s link there with an answer that might trigger a buying decision. The question is will they see your link or a competitors?

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Now of Online Marketing

Ok so I guess I've been making websites all wrong for the past year. I've been reading a new Online Marketing book by David Scott. He explains how a lot of websites are a one shot try for everyone that ends up there, it's just like having a commercial that targets everyone and appeals to no one. So the first step to abide by the new rules of online marketing is to divvy up your potential buyers. So I'd put my clients into different categories. I have established medium sized businesses trying to help maintain customer loyalty. I have small businesses trying to get more customers and hope that a website will push them to the next level and separate them from their competitors. I talk to people who are starting businesses up and aren't going for the traditional brick and mortar store and will need more help with online marketing than any other clients. Then I will also be helping people who are amateur actors singers models or hobbyists that want a website to post their portfolio so they can get noticed by the right people.

Now I go blogging. I learn how they talk, what keyword phrases they'd search (so i can pick mine) where and when they communicate, what troubles them, what they are really looking for so I can have just that on my site for the individual buying persona's.

Now I have to rebuild my site Mitraflo Flash Productions.

I can go two routes I can redo everything and on the main page put "click here is you are a small business owner" "click here if you're star" "click here if you are starting a business" and the like. Or I can keep all the info I already have because it is still relevant to all my clients to some extent and add these links under a subsection and give my clients individual PHP landing pages where they too can post questions and have individual forums for my different prospects.

This way I can appeal to my different prospects and market to them individually instead of giving everyone the same info that they probably don't all want. This would be impossible with a radio or print ad, and that's the beauty of it. Online you have the upper hand to market to the different clients you may have. You can establish yourself as an expert over others that may have been in your industry years longer than you. But things always change so the things that were important online 5 years ago, are either of little importance or even irrelevant today. By establishing a solid page for your different types of clients you will create top of mind awareness. Having good content is key to becoming an online icon. Good content means individualized content for the different people that should be doing business with you. If you have a the same web page for everyone who goes there you are probably talking to just 20% of your market, and leaving the rest in the dark. Give individualized info for your people engage their needs and problems and provide them benefits that will spark interest and hit the hot buttons that you see are big problems for them from your blog research these are written by your customers and looking for them is about 5 clicks away, so there are no excuses. Show them the light.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

1st Blog

This is a Mitraflo Flash Production.

We will be continually posting our thoughts on the daily changes of the online market place. This blog will be used in conjunction with

We will be continually researching the dynamics of Search Engine Optimization, and Online Marketing. Although these topics are fairly new, they are very powerful in getting the right people to your site with the right message to coax a buying decision. There are established practices and new techniques that are born every day that change the rules and create new paradigms, our mission at Mitraflo Flash Productions is to keep up to date with these practices to help our customers reach their goals, improve sales, and create buyer loyalty through establishing expertise in your industry.